MindFit Event

By: Helen Kuntz



Elevate Your Mental Health-Register Now!

Maximize your mental well-being and unlock your full potential at MindFit, a transformative four-part event designed to enhance your mental fitness!

MindFit is an in-person four-part event that combines documentary-style episodes with locally guided group discussion and learning.

You'll hear stories of people who have battled anxiety, depression, and trauma. You'll learn form experts about how the brain works and get tips on optimizing key cognitive processes in your daily life.

This Event is Free!

Don't miss our opening session!


May 20-May 23 7:00 PM

68 Exeter Rd

 Corinna, ME 04928 


 Call Roger Belanger for more details 207-431-0816

Elevate Your Mental Health-Register Now!